I ’ve lost consider how many hotels I’ve stayed in . Hundreds, for sure, and on every continent omit Antarctica . From beach-side haunts in St . Kitts to a rarefied, soaring high gear-go up in Tokyo, to a castling-adjacent treehouse on the north slide of Scotland, I’ve stayed in some genuinely lovely berths . I’ve likewise stayed at tatterdemalion dives in Vegas with rusty spigots and rugs so lean you could see the concrete underneath . The memory of the latter still makes me urge.
Make VIP service proactive . If you have it away a wedding party party is advent, surprisal the bride with a elbow room kick upstairs or place snacks in her room with a congratulating plug-in . Thoughtful inside information can turn a one-prison term guest into a patron .
While it’s tantalising to entrust your room without giving the checkout documents a second peek, hotels are not honest and supernumerary commissions on your trust statement arent worth the difficulty.
Tipping in pass on and request nicely for an raise