As the hub of your hotel, your hall is the hone direct to display information relevant to your guests . And including info about the hotel as well as the surrounding biotic community volition undoubtedly be appreciated by them . Consider presenting transportation entropy and weather weather condition (good expires), content astir hotel creature comforts and events (good the counter and lift banks), and information about local attractive features and businesses.
Additionally , some hotels include complimentary laundry services depending on the room you engaged, patch others may charge you for a fee . Apart from laundry services, you might also want to curb their room service picks . Do they offer a 24-minute service ? Or is it express to sure service hours?
Not only can they give you free things, they can besides make sure you get the room with the noisy air conditioner, or the room with curtains that don’t unopen fully if you’re not so nice.
Nerdy tip : Leave your tip on top of, or next to, a thank you note . This makes it very clear that the cash is a tip meant for the housekeeper and reduces the take chances of misunderstanding.